Construction Accidents
Hurt on a construction site?
James McCrorie has a proven record in attaining multi-million dollar awards for construction workers injured in workplace accidents. Luckily for construction workers in New York, there are specific statutes that protect them and insure that the owners and contractors that profit from the construction provide a safe place to work with safe equipment. Even after a client wins his case against these entities regarding liability, there is usually adversarial trial where the insurance company representing the responsible entities attempts to pay as little as possible. Many times the client’s injuries do not appear as severe as they eventually become. Client’s often attempt to continue working “through the pain” in an effort to not lose their coveted positions. Other times the clients’ injuries are obvious from the start, and the insurance companies still find a way to “blame the victim” in an effort to pay as little as possible. James McCrorie is adept at making juries understand all of the factors at play in any particular case, and becomes the voice of the injured worker who often cannot express themselves fully in the courtroom setting. He fully understands that although he has many cases, this is the clients only case.
James McCrorie understands all of the losses a worker suffers when they are prevented from continuing work in their chosen trade due to workplace injuries, including a full understanding of the loss of all benefits in addition to their yearly income. These amounts can be substantial when compounded over the injured worker’s work life expectancy. He is proud to routinely represent workers form all trades who helped build the City and surrounding areas.
He has received many accolades for his trial work in the personal injury filed, including having been repeatedly named as a Superlawyer and being consistently listed among the Top Verdicts of the Year in the area of Construction Law.
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